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Food Truck Fridays

Join us for Food Truck Fridays at our Findlay and North Baltimore locations! We will have a different food truck parked in our lots every Friday, from 11 am to 2 pm, all throughout the summer. Stop by, enjoy a tasty lunch, and help support our community!

Interested in being added to our schedule?
Contact Matt Podach:

Western Ave.

Fostoria Ave.

North Baltimore

Full Schedule

Date1007 Western Ave.1650 Fostoria Ave.214 N Main St. North Baltimore
2-MayScotty's SubsLeggo My EggrollKevin's Kajunette
9-MayThe Rolling Food JointFork in the RoadNot Your Mama's Grilled Cheese
16-MayPull Up & Grill The Rolling Food Joint
23-MayThe Tucker Truck Aurora's Tamales
 Leggo My Eggroll
6-Jun Leggo My EggrollKevin's Kajunette
13-JunNot Your Mama's Grilled Cheese Jonny Burritos
20-JunScotty's Subs The Tucker Truck
27-Jun  Aurora's Tamales
4-JulHappy Independence Day!  
11-JulThe Tucker Truck Jonny Burritos
18-Jul  Not Your Mama's Grilled Cheese
25-Jul Leggo My EggrollAurora's Tamales
1-Aug  Leggo My Eggroll
8-Aug  Kevin's Kajunette
15-AugFork in the Road The Tucker Truck
22-Aug  Jonny Burritos
29-Aug Aurora's Tamales
5-Sep  The Tucker Truck
12-Sep  Kevin's Kajunette
19-Sep  Aurora's Tamales
26-SepScotty's Subs Not Your Mama's Grilled Cheese

What our
Members say

Have always had good experiences when visiting this branch. Went in to check on refinancing an auto loan and very quickly got assistance . Shortly after arriving, I got approved for the new loan with a better rate and a shorter term.

Jim K.

Food Truck Fridays

Join us at our Findlay and North Baltimore locations!