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Debit Card Dispute Form

This is a secure form.

* Indicates Required

  • Cardholder Information

    Card Information

    Card Type*
    Is This Card Closed?*

    *Required for Unauthorized Use

  • Unauthorized Use

    I, the undersigned claimant declare, as appropriate that:

    I did not use, nor authorize anyone else to use, the ATM or Debit Card issued to me by Millstream Area CU when said card was used to withdraw funds from my account at the Bank; or

    I did not receive any value or benefit from proceeds of the card transaction(s) and no proceeds were applied to any use or purpose on my behalf; or

    I have not arranged with the person(s) who misused the card to be reimbursed for proceeds of the card.

    Furthermore, I have made available all knowledge, ideas, or suspicions, if any, or the identity of the person who wrongfully used my card and will make available any such knowledge gained in the future and agree to assist and cooperate fully, without limitation, with any investigation pertaining to this matter, whether by federal, state, local, or bank investigators, including testifying before a grand jury or in a court of law against the party responsible for the improper or unauthorized use of the ATM or Debit Card. I hereby certify by signing below that the above information is true and correct.


  • Dispute Information

    Did you originally participate in the transaction(s) or lost/stolen?

    Claim Circumstances

    Customer Did Not Participate in Transaction(s) or Lost/Stolen

    Is card still in your possession?*
    Have you ever allowed anyone to use the card?*
    Was the PIN/Secret Code number with the card?*
    Was a police report filed?*

    Dispute with Merchant - Customer Originally Participated in Transaction(s)

    Any requested documentation is required for Visa to process your claim (i.e. receipts, proof of return, etc.)

    Have you attempted to resolve your dispute with the merchant?*
    You must attempt to reach a resolution with the merchant before proceeding.
    How did you contact the merchant?

    Please check the ONE category that best describes your dispute.

    Attach a copy of (a) the cash receipt, or (b) the front and back of canceled check, or (c) the copy of the other receipt.

    Attach a copy of sales slip or invoice.

    Attach a copy of the credit slip.

    Attach a letter of explanation

    Attach proof of return

    Attach copies of correspondence with merchant.

    Attach corredpondence

    Please attach supporting documents

    Accepted formats: .pages, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .png, .jpg
    Select files from your computer
    or simply drag & drop them here

  • Merchants and Amounts

    Amount ($)

    You should expect resolution or provisional credit in accordance with the provisions and disclosures set forth in your card agreement.

What our
Members say

Ann is incredibly helpful and assisted with my home loan application by not only providing personalized estimates but also assisting with comparing Millstream's rates with other lenders, which vastly helped me make an informed decision that was best for me and my family. I cannot say enough good things about her and all that she has done for my family! Thanks Ann! :)

Zachary M.

Food Truck Fridays

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